Il Sogno di Andromeda (blue)

Austin Young




6-color serigraph from a work by Austin Young.
Handmade printed on Favini Majestic Real Gold paper gr. 250.
Edition of 19 copies in Arabic numerals and IXX in Roman numerals, numbered and signed by the artist.
Size 70 x 50 cm.

Il Sogno di Andromeda explores Venice’s ancient bond with the sea.

In the artist’s words:
"For hundreds of years, on Ascension Day, a ritual sacrifice was made. A glorious golden ring was cast into the water, symbolizing Venice’s dominion over the Adriatic Sea. ‘We marry you, sea, as a symbol of true and perpetual dominion.’ The magic of this offering endured for centuries. Yet, amid a dwindling population, the fouling of her canals, rising tides, and the erosion of community from short-term rentals, perhaps it is time to reconsider this vow. We imagine a new promise: ‘We agree to care for you, sea, the environment, and all life on the planet.’”

This artwork is part of the immersive, site-specific exhibition Marriage of the Sea by Austin Young / Fallen Fruit, which premiered alongside the 60th Venice Biennale at Palazzo Cesari Marchesi, presented by The POOL NYC.