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Elena Xausa

Elena passed away on November 27th, 2022, after a years-long battle with appendix cancer. Please read this New York Times obituary for more details. Below we have kept the text she used for this section to describe herself and her work.

Hi visitor, thank you for stopping by!
I’m Elena Xausa and I’m working as illustrator.
I also love to give life to my drawings through animation, or make them 3dimensional designing objects and creating store windows. I really love to move around, I lived in Berlin, Milan, Brooklyn, Venice but I’m now based in Marostica, my hometown. I’m now teaching at University of Architecture in Venice. Feel free to drop me a line if you want to work with me or just have a chat! 


One of her illustrations became one of the silkscreens printed by Fallani Venezia for the project "This is Tomorrow" curated by Barcore17 for Fondazione Generali – The Human Safety Net.

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