Dust cumulation

Dalia Baassiri



4 colors serigraphy from a work by Dalia Baassiri.
Hand printed on white Fedrigoni Old Mill paper 350 gr.
Edition of 57 copies numbered and signed by the artist.
Size cm. 44 x 70

Realised during the residence of the Arte Laguna Prize 2018

“The sea, impregnated with the residues of our cravings The atmosphere saturated with our desires Mountains covered by our greed desperately reaching out for the sky Animals smothered by our appetites People taken by the world they created for themselves Every inch of this life has been exploited”
L’atmosfera satura dei nostri desideri
Le montagne coperte dalla nostra avidità che si protendono disperatamente verso il cielo
Animali soffocati dai nostri appetiti
Persone prese dal mondo che hanno creato per loro stessi
Ogni centimetro di questa vita è stato sfruttato”.

As an artist, Dalia finds herself acquainted with this turmoil. The wreckage of this bruised reality invades her home and keeps reminding her of this phenomenon. During her residency in New York State sponsored by ArteEast, she investigates both the materiality and properties of a familiar visitor who wears gray every day. Dust, this enigmatic prolific entity, encapsulates the present lifestyle. While gradually overwhelming spaces, it carries along its way human skin cells, food residues, textile fibers, vehicle emissions and much more. The longer it resides on a surface, the darker it gets. In fact, it is a compact granulat­ed pigment indicating space and time.
By preserving all the dusty wipes, Baassiri documents the ephemeral moments and materializes her relationship with the world. The process generates a collection of monochromatic drawings. Together, they embody her dialogue with dust, the hand and the pigment, the body and the cell, the whole and the particle. Thus, this quotidian practice transcends the domestic perimeters and opens a broader existential discourse.
Wiped out, people are every day. Eternal is dust; testimony of all measures.