
Mariangela Marra



5-colour screen printing from the installation No Title by Mariangela Marra.
Hand printed on Fedrigoni Old Mill paper 300 gr.

Edition of 50 copies numbered and signed by the artist.
Size 23 x 100 cm.

The silkscreen print was created during the prize residence at the 2015 edition of the "Arte Laguna Prize".

ll work stems from a process of identification with women who bear the indelible marks of violence on their skin, particularly that infamous act that attempts to erase the face and thus the identity of the person with acid.

"Untitled" is an installation consisting of a series of six photographs arranged inside six cardboard boxes. On the boxes is a red sign and a quotation from the book Racism Explained to My Daughter, by Tahar Ben Jelloum. The lid with the quotation is placed horizontally on the top while the boxes with the photographs are supported vertically on glass bottles, which when filled, simulate acid bottles. This work, in fact, starts from a process of identification with those women who bear on their skin the indelible marks of violence, in particular that infamous act that attempts to erase the face and therefore the identity of the person with acid. I have stopped this experience through photography.

On the occasion of the Futuro Prossimo exhibition at the Koreja theatre yards in Lecce, Marinilde Giannandrea writes about this work:
Mariangela Marra moves within the dramatic awareness of daily violence perpetrated on women's bodies. She works with different languages and with painstaking attention to operative practice but never stumbles over redundant details. In this case, she has tackled a process of metamorphosis that alludes to the disfigurements caused by acid on women's faces. He draws from it details that connect to phrases inspired by reading Tahar Ben Jelloum's text and transforms the installation of cardboard boxes into sarcophagi of beauty in which the face tells without hypocrisy its own pain.