Inverleith Park (Spazi)

Charlotte Trounce



4 colors serigraphy from an illustration by Charlotte Trounce
Handmade printed on Fedrigoni Arena paper 300 gr.
Edition of 50 + XX copies numbered and signed by the artist.
Size 70 x 50 cm.

Spazi (space) is the title of the artist residency project conceived by Fallani Venezia and curated by Serial Illustrations, which has been offering exhibitions and insights related to the world of illustration since 2017.
In the summer of 2020, six internationally renowned female artists and illustrators were invited to conceive and develop an original work, each according to their own artistic technique and sensibility, investigating the concept of SPACE. The six works became six silkscreens that the artists, together with Gianpaolo Fallani, made and printed by hand during the residency period.
For a week they participated in the process of producing, processing and printing the graphics, confronting a technique that is widely used in the arts and is still so handcrafted and fascinating.